Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday Photo Dump!!

Whoops, well its been about a month since I posted. Didn't mean to go so long. It's the middle of October!!! We're just speeding towards the end of the year! Sheesh. 

I've been traveling for the last three weekends and I'm very excited to have had the last three days off and been able to spend them at home. First I went to Tennessee for the weekend to see my good friend Lizzy. Then my mom and sister came down and we went to florida the next weekend on my 6 days off. Then last weekend I drove to Atlanta and flew to Indiana to be in a wedding. Lots of traveling and no time to work out left me feeling discombobulated. 

So this week after I worked I've been relaxing, working out and going to yoga. I picked up my first overtime shift next week because I need money! Too bad I have to work more. 

You can tell how I felt about having to wear my glasses for a week due to some eye gunk. 

One morning in the hospital

My dearest Lizzy!

Messy hair, messy mind. 

View from our condo. Ahhh..

Ahoy! One of my favorite places to eat. Mmmm seafood.

I don't think I ever posted a picture of the tattoo I got back in June! Well here's my little lotus flower. 


Got to snuggle with the little man while I was in Indiana. 

Wedding time!

Wedding makeup

In motion

Sunset Sunday night. 


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