Friday, September 27, 2013

Two weeks of friday photo dumps

Because I dont have time to blog and school is swallowing me whole.
And I apparently haven't been taking very many pictures either.. Ah well. 74 days until I graduate nursing school!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday photo dump

Yet again my week got away from me. I had two tests and clinicals and a conference.. and I'm just tired. So much studying and school to be done. Then I got called to a birth at midnight and slept half of today. 
Such is life. So ready for December 11 to be here. 

Wednesday I willingly went into this store. It's so big it just zaps my energy. Also I laughed really hard at the fact that the R was missing so it said FO'ever! :p 

I used someone else's study guide for critical care and they included this very important note. LOVE it.

Friday scarf because it was COOL outside

The trifecta of macbooks..

Coming home from a birth Saturday morning

Saturday braid. 

Saturday sunset

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Photo dump!

Whoops, only two days late. 

Awake for 30+ hours at a birth thursday morning. 


Friday, breaking the rules and wearing my hair down with my scrubs. 

It's only fake... but someday.. after I graduate