My days have been consumed by studying, homework, classes and volunteering.
I also managed to fall off a horse last week and bruise the crap out of my tailbone so I’ve also been drugging myself and taking lots of baths. All in all it’s a great time here…
Emerie’s already 2 and half months old! Good grief. She got her ears pierced yesterday but I’m sad to say I don’t have a great picture of that yet. Perhaps today when she comes over to spend the night so her parents can go to a wedding.
I’m so over all of my classes.. I hate pretty much everything about them, they’re incrediblyl time consuming and I’m still just barely keeping my head above water. If I really wanted to do amazing in these classes I’d have to study 20 hours a day and never sleep. Since I’m a big fan of sleep… that won’t be happening.
Needless to say I’m mostly stressed out and tired all the time. I try to take time to relax and chill, but I just end up feeling guilty that I’m not studying.. not that I ever actually stop relaxing to study.. but its just not very fun when all I can do is stress about school. Only 10 weeks left…
Next semester I’m taking Elementery Chem and the lab, Physiology and the lab and probably a nutrition class online. That sounds like not too much but supposedly the physio teachers suck… and the chem class requires a lecture, recitation and lab (plus I SUCK at chemistry..) so I’m sure it’ll be just as much fun as this semester.
But hopefully I’ll be applying for nursing school for summer of 12.. only a few short months away! If I can only make it there.
I hate to be so pessimistic.. but unfortunately that’s just my life right now. Que sera, sera..

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