I was so incredibly lucky to witness my niece’s birth yesterday! My sister called us yesterday, she had been at work (at the hospital) and she said that she was going upstairs because she thought her water had broken. They did some tests to check and sure enough it had broken. We drove up and got there about noon. My mom and I grabbed some lunch from downstairs and came back up. Her doctor came back in and checked Amber again. She was still 4 cm and the Doc ruptured the little sack of water that was still intact.
Amber decided that she wanted to get her epidural then and her nurse called the staff anesthesiologist. It took a bit for him to get up there and then it took a while for him to get set up. At this point they already had Amber sitting up on the bed in position for the epidural. He was able to give her the numbing shot before putting in the big needle. But she said that she felt like she needed to push. She kept saying she needed to push and the anesthesiologist looked like he wanted absolutely nothing to do with delivering a baby. He kept backing away from Amber and putting his hands in the air. He kept saying isn’t she only at 4 cm??
They quickly paged her doctor, took her bed apart and got her in position to push. Her doctor came in out of breath from running across the hospital to get there and deliver her. She checked her and Amber started pushing. She ended up only pushing for about 30 minutes and then Emerie was there.
Since she was only 36 weeks, 6 days, Emerie was considered premature so they had to have the whole Peds team there. Luckily they checked Emerie out and everything was fine. They measured her, wrapped her up and handed her to Amber.
It was so awesome to watch, and not gross at all like I thought it might be. It was so amazing how she got through it even without the epidural. She was a rockstar.
Emerie Leighann born at 2:41 pm. 5 lb 6 oz. 19 3/4 in.
She's a tiny little things and doesn't fit into any of her newborn clothes yet!

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