It’s been a peaceful couple of weeks around here. My sisters and their husbands and my nephews were in town last week. That was nice. I spent a lot of time out at their condo and on the beach/at the pool. Did lots of water activities and my youngest nephew is so freaking cute in the ocean. He loved it so much. The waves were pretty good sized and we got knocked over a couple of times. I got pretty darn tan which is awesome.
Other than that I’ve been doing schoolwork for my lifespan development class. I really should be doing more; I’m just feeling rather lazy this week. I’m trying to fit in all the places I want to eat before we leave sometime next week. The movers are coming Friday and we’ll be staying with friends this weekend until we figure out when we’re leaving.
I guess maybe it just hasn’t sunk in that we’re leaving.. but I don’t know. I feel at peace with the situation. I’ve got classes to go to up there and my family to see. I’m sure I’ll miss a lot of stuff from here but most of my friends are gone.. and soon kay will have a new job somewhere.. so there’s really not that much left.
In the meantime enjoy some photos I just got developed.

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