Fairly recent picture of me.
Hey there
It’s been a while since I blogged. I guess I should try to be better but I find that I really don’t have that much to say most of the time.
It’s coming down to the lasts stretch of my senior year. I’m so ready to graduate college! Even though I’ll have about 11 days off before I start taking an online class this summer. Since I’m going back to school for a second bachelors, this time in nursing, next fall I won’t really be leaving the college lifestyle. New city, new school. Even though I’m kind of tired of school I also really enjoy being a student and I’m excited and scared about all the science classes I’m going to take the next couple semesters.
So far my schedule looks like this:
Summer – lifespan development
Fall – Anatomy and lab, Intro to Micriobio and lab, Biology of Women
Spring – Physiology and lab, Micriobio & Immunology and lab, Stats
So my plan as of now is to take the pre-reqs for the accelerated BSN and then I’ll hopefully be admitted into the program in fall of ’12. Which means I’ll graduate in May of ’14. Woohoo. After that I’ll probably get work in a hospital for a couple of years before eventually going back to school for a masters in nurse-midwifery. At least that’s the plan as of right now. We’ll see how much it changes..
Other than that I’m trying to focus on all of my schoolwork that’s due in the next month. I really need to get good grades for this semester.
The weather has been warm for quite a while although its rainy today. I’m hoping it will be nice this weekend so I can get in some sun tanning time.
Anyways, I’m off to write a paper for my dance class.